Thursday, February 26, 2015

Maleficent [2015]

The «Bad», «sleeping beauty» riff is another summer spectacular, a world that has much know. It has sub-'Phantom Menace' landscapes and creatures, a score emphatic and immemorial and types of chaotic images and fast cutting which means the lack of imagination of the real film. It is a film made by a Committee: its address is attributed to Robert Stromberg, a decorator for a long time, and his screenplay for "beauty and the beast" scribe Linda Woolverton, but reported many corrections imposed by the study and news taken by Director John Hancock ("The Rookie"). But it is powerful. As the main character, a woman poorly understood and aggrieved, Angelina Jolie has improved the cheekbones of makeup that can be registered as lethal weapons. Put them as well as her wary of cobalt and Ruby and wings and horns lips eyes as sports character early in the box and have an image of the strange female otherness as Scarlett Johansson wading in black goo in 'low' skin.

Film history is an example of what Peter Bradshaw guardian film critic calls '' the emerging post-'Wicked' gender, the bottom of the revisionista-marco of fairy tale", but is hitting. It has an important advantage that awkward film can be dull. There are moments in the 'evil' which are deeply disturbing, as ancient myths and Grimm's fairy tales are disturbing. They strike at the heart of human experience and create the types of memories young children - girls in particular - will be obsessed, because at some level they know that, even without the benefit of experience, the film tells them a horrible fate of the truth.

At this time you should give the opportunity to the examination stage, see the movie based on the description above and later read the rest to see if they are in agreement. Is it just? Good.

The story begins with a flashback to evil as a fairy of the girl, friendship with a farmer who sneaked into their forest in a flight mission. They grow close and continue to be, even when the King of a human fortress on the outskirts of the forest is trying to invade the evil field and watches then in shock as heroin and his colleagues at Arbol-guerrero lay waste to his army. As a teenager, fairies and humans share a silhouette of labio-cerradura on a Hill - ' first true love Kiss,' in the language of Disney. Stops to come, tear out the heart of the girl. Years later, the Stefan become adults (Sharlto Copley) surprised the King now dying, promising his Kingdom who can kill evil. And it is there that we are heading towards the first sequences beautifully disturbing film.

I have read reviews complaining that I do not know enough about the evil characters and Stefan, still less the details of their relationship, which means that the betrayal of Stefan "of nothing" and therefore makes no dramatic sense. It is a fair description (or complaint); But for me, the lack of development is the sensation of spinning more as something that could happen in a fairy tale - not clean-scrubbed Disney tale fairy in which every rebound is clearly delimited, but an old story that children can be listened, rapt and horrified, then ceases to ask, ' by the child for what someone he loved? "which would explain the adult Narrator that sometimes people do cruel things people love because they want things.

In any case, we know what is happening in the scene. Then nestled with evil on a hill, it gives Stefan a drink mixed with a sleeping pill, prepares to kill him after she is released and has a lack of nerve. He cuts off the coast of its wings in place and brings the King as 'evidence' that made as promised. It is a symbolic attack with sexual connotation, specifically an attack that occurs after a woman has passed. Bad not only loses its wings. you are deprived of it, against their will. The attack is also a mutilation or disfigurement that in this context, looks to a gender-specific physical 'message', a shot of a continuum ranging from punitive piracy of long hair of the female to female genital mutilation. (Pretty underwent a double mastectomy not long until the film was shot, it is difficult to imagine the filming of this sequence and not put it in a personal context.)

The scene of the evil wakes up on a hill with huge scars on his back and then cry of rage, is the image most traumatized

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